Call for Paper Track: 16 Electron Microscopy

 12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Conference on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE

What is Electron Microscopy?

High resolution photographs of both biological and non-biological specimens can be obtained using electron microscopy (EM). It is used in biomedical research to examine the precise structure of tissues, cells, organelles, and macromolecular complexes. The utilisation of electrons—which have extremely short wavelengths—as the source of illuminating light contributes to the great resolution of EM pictures. To address particular issues, electron microscopy is combined with a range of auxiliary procedures (such as thin sectioning, immuno-labeling, and negative staining). The structural underpinnings of cell activity and illness are crucially revealed by EM imaging.

The transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the scanning electron microscope are the two primary varieties (SEM). Thin specimens (such as molecules, tissue slices, etc.) that allow electrons to pass through and produce a picture are observed using a transmission electron microscope. The ordinary (compound) light microscope and the TEM are both comparable in many ways. TEM is used, among other things, to visualise the interior of cells in thin sections, the structure of protein molecules in contrast to metal shadowing, the arrangement of molecules in viruses and cytoskeletal filaments in preparation for negative staining, and the positioning of protein molecules in cell membranes (by freeze-fracture).

12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Congress on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE

The emission of secondary electrons from a specimen's surface is a prerequisite for conventional scanning electron microscopy. A scanning electron microscope is the equivalent of a stereo light microscope in the EM because of its superior depth of focus. It offers intricate pictures of the surfaces of cells and entire organisms, which TEM cannot do. Additionally, it can be utilised for process control, particle size analysis, and counting. Because the image is created by rastering a focussed electron beam across the specimen's surface, it is known as a scanning electron microscope. At each point in the raster, particles (such as low energy particles) are emitted as a result of the principal electron beam's interaction with atoms close to the surface.

These can be gathered using a variety of detectors, and the brightness at each analogous position on a cathode ray tube can be calculated from their relative number. The final image is an enlarged image of the specimen since the size of the raster at the specimen is significantly smaller than the viewing screen of the CRT. SEMs that are properly set up (with secondary, backscatter, and X-ray detectors) can be used to examine specimen topography, atomic composition, as well as, for instance, the distribution of immuno-labels on the specimen's surface.

12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Event on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE

Benefits of using an electron microscope

The fundamental benefits of electron microscopy are numerous. These consist of:

Magnification and improved resolution are possible thanks to the use of electrons rather than light waves, allowing for the analysis of previously invisible structures. Images taken using an electron microscope have a resolution of up to 0.2 nm, making them 1000 times more detailed than those taken with a light microscope.

Numerous uses - Electron microscopy is used in a wide variety of study domains, including technology, industry, biomedical science, and chemistry. Examples of applications include semiconductor inspection, the production of computer chips, quality assurance and control, and atomic structure analysis structures, and drug development

High-quality photos: With the right training, an operator of an electron microscope can use the system to create extremely detailed photographs of structures that are of a high quality, exposing intricate and delicate structures that other methods might find difficult to replicate.

12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Summit on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE

Different Electron Microscope Types

The transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and reflection electron microscope are only a few examples of the various types of electron microscopes (REM.) In this article, each of these varieties of the electron microscope will be detailed in further detail.

Transmission electron microscope (TEM)

The first form of electron microscope was the transmission electron microscope, which uses a high voltage electron beam to illuminate the object.

The electron beam is created by an electron gun. The electron beam's source, a tungsten filament cathode, is often mounted on the gun. The electron beam is focused with the use of electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses and is accelerated by an anode.

the spatial variation can be investigated. Placing a photographic film into an electron beam to capture the image is yet another way to capture the image. The image can also be seen on a computer screen in real time using a digital camera.

Historically, transmission electron microscope resolution has been constrained by spherical aberration. However, recent advancements have made it possible to get around this problem and boost resolution via hardware spherical aberration correction. As a result, it is now possible to create images with resolutions lower than 0.5 angstroms and magnifications greater than 50 million times.

12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Exhibition on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE

Scanning electron microscope (SEM)

Raster scanning was a method used by the scanning electron microscope to create enlarged pictures of the sample. It focuses an electron beam that travels across the specimen's rectangular region, losing energy as it does so. Heat, light, secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, and other types of energy are produced from the energy.

However, it is advantageous because it makes use of surface processes, which enables it to produce images of huge samples with a wider depth of field and a maximum size of several centimetres. As a result, the images produced by a SEM may be accurate depictions of the specimen's true shape.

Reflection electron microscope (REM)

A beam of elastically dispersed electrons that is reflected off of the item under examination is detected using a reflection electron microscope. This kind of microscopy frequently employs the reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and reflection high-energy loss spectroscopy (RHELS) techniques.

12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Seminar on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE


Important Information:

Conference Name: 12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Utilitarian Conference
Short Name: 12EPUCG2022
December 21-23, 2022
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Scientific Program: It will only include plenary speakers, keynote speakers, panel discussions and presentations in parallel sessions.
Audience: Global Leaders, Industrialists, Business Delegates, Students, Entrepreneurs, Executives
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