
Showing posts from July, 2022

Call for Paper Track: 19 head and neck pathology

12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Conference on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE What is head and neck pathology? Diagnoses are made for patients with malignant tumours, non-cancerous disease, infections, inflammations, and other disorders affecting the head and neck by head and neck pathology. Numerous disorders can affect the head and neck areas. Many significant organs and structures can be found in these areas, including: thyroid oral cavity tongue larynx salivary glands Thyroid A medical problem that prevents your thyroid from producing the appropriate amount of hormones is known as thyroid illness. Correctly, your thyroid produces the hormones necessary to keep your body operating normally. Your body uses energy too quickly when the thyroid produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. It is known as hyperthyroidism. A little gland ca...

Call for paper Track: 18 Hematopathology,

12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Conference on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE The area of pathology that deals with illnesses of the blood and the organs that produce blood. hemopathology. These cells develop from their bone marrow origins to become: Black blood cells Blood cells, red Platelets White blood cells are crucial elements of the immune system and are found in numerous significant bodily structures, such as lymph nodes. By creating antibodies against the infection, the body sends these cells to battle germs and viruses when sickness invades. Occasionally, blood cells can develop abnormally; in certain circumstances, aberrant blood cell...

Call for Paper Track: 16 Electron Microscopy

  12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Conference on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE What is Electron Microscopy? High resolution photographs of both biological and non-biological specimens can be obtained using electron microscopy (EM). It is used in biomedical research to examine the precise structure of tissues, cells, organelles, and macromolecular complexes. The utilisation of electrons—which have extremely short wavelengths—as the source of illuminating light contributes to the great resolution of EM pictures. To address particular issues, electron microscopy is combined with a range of auxiliary procedures (such as thin sectioning, immuno-labeling, and negative staining). The structural underpinnings of cell activity and illness are crucially revealed by EM imaging. The transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the scanning electron microscope are the two primary varieties (SEM). Thin specimens (such as molecules, tissue slices, etc.) that allow electron...

Call for Paper Track: 15 Digestive Diseases Pathology

  12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Conference on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE Any medical condition that affects the digestive system is referred to as a digestive ailment. Mild to severe conditions can exist. Heartburn, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, and lactose intolerance are a few typical issues. Gallstones, cholecystitis, and cholangitis are some more gastrointestinal conditions. Don't miss the opportunity to hurry up and submit your paper at CME/CPD accredited 12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Utilitarian Conference, Which is scheduled to be held on December 21-23,  2022, in Dubai, UAE you can submit here 12th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Summit on December 21-23, 2022 in Dubai, UAE Digestive System Pathologies: Common Illnesses and Disorders Infections or damage to organs and other tissues and struct...