Digital pathology tools improving Pathologists’ Work Lives

Digital pathology tools improving  Pathologists’ Work Lives

Pathology is a Greek Word its meaning of patho is disease and logy is studied so pathology is the study of the diagnosis of diseases, Pathology is involved basic medical sciences clinical practice investigation goes mechanism disease tissues, bodily fluids, and whole bodies (autopsies). The history of pathology is often traced to the earliest application of the methodology to the sector of drugs.

Improving Pathologists

The pathologist is interested not only in the recognition of the structural alternation but also their signification the effect of those changes on cellular and tissue function and Ultimately the effect of those changes on the patient Performing specimen analysis by using laboratory tools and equipment, so as to review samples and perform tests to accurately analyze bodily fluids and tissue specimens.

 Perform specimen analysis by using laboratory tools and types of equipment, in order to study samples and perform testing to accurately analyze bodily fluids and tissue specimens.

 trying to find abnormalities in samples that evidence disease and conveying this information to the relevant medical man.

 Using checklists, medical software, and retesting to urge thorough and precise results Suggesting potential treatment options.

 Writing pathology reports detailing specimens test, results of tests, and therefore the final diagnosis.

 Undertaking research to enhance identification and testing methods and finding innovative ways to treat disease.

 Staying up so far with developments within the fields of pathology and practice.

10th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology
Do you have a passion for Pathology? Have something important to present? Now it’s time to share:

#ClinPath #GIPath #SurgPath #blooducation #Gynpath #PathResidents #labmed #Autopsy #BreastPath #BSTpath #CardiacPath #ClinPath #Cytopath #dermpath #EndoPath #ENTPath #EyePath #ForensicPath #Gynpath #HemePath #MolDx #OralPath #RenalPath #PediPath #Coronavirus #COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV2 #nCoV19 #COVID19US     


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