Submit your poster for Emirates Pathology and Digital Pathology Dubai Conference
Submit your poster for Emirates Pathology and Digital Pathology Dubai Conference
Welcome to the abstract/final paper submission, We are pleased to announce the 12th Emirates Congress on Pathology and Digital Pathology (EPUCG), to be held as an in person event 21–24 December 2022 in Dubai, UAE. Pathologists, computer scientists, biologists, Lab technicians, students, and, last but not least, physicians, as well as industry partners, will gather to discuss the current topics in digital and computational pathology. This year’s focus will be on using machine learning and artificial intelligence to integrate histology, molecular pathology, and clinical data.

While Digital Pathology will continue to be used to diagnose pathological changes in tissues in the future, new imaging techniques such as multiplex immunofluorescence and imaging mass spectrometry will gain traction in supplementing traditional approaches. Furthermore, emerging molecular approaches such as spatial transcriptomics or single-cell proteomics open up new possibilities for combining histology and spatially-resolved deep molecular profiling. The objective of EPUCG is closely aligned with these advancements, as computational pathology is critical for processing and interpreting the ensuing complicated data.
The 12EPUCG2022 Digital Pathology Conference features some of the best minds in Pathology and Digital Pathology, as well as real-world experiences from famous institutions and the latest breakthroughs, such as Artificial Intelligence, to help you on your Digital Pathology journey. After each session, audience members are encouraged to offer questions.
Conference highlights
Pathology | Digital Pathology | Breast Pathology | Pediatric Pathology | Histopathology | Cancer Cytopathology | Diagnostics Pathology | Surgical Pathology | Ophthalmic Pathology| Renal Pathology And Urinary Tract Pathology | Anatomical Pathology, Forensic Pathology, Autopsy Pathology | Hematopathology | Gynaecological Pathology & Uropathology | Liver Pathology And Gastrointestinal Pathology | Molecular Pathology | Head And Neck Pathology | Neuropathology | Nephropathology | Immunopathology | Microbial Pathology & Infectious Disease Pathology | Dermatopathology | Soft Tissue And Bone Pathology | Speech-Language Pathology | Clinical Pathology & Chemical Pathology |
Conference Benefits
21 CME Hours, 21 CPD Hours, Live Sessions, One on One meet with Experts and Investors on Demand, A showcase of new Products, Certification of Recognition, Industrial Exhibitions, Meet your Academic idols, Hear about the latest research

More details
The Pathology Visions Conference will provide you the chance to learn about real-world, practical applications in the rapidly expanding field of digital pathology. The Digital Pathology UCGConferences annual convention will give you direct access to industry specialists as well as a choice of cutting-edge courses led by renowned industry visionaries.
This conference provides a unique chance for global networking and idea exchange through timely keynotes, poster presentations, colloquia, workshops, and a Young Researcher’s Forum on breakthrough technologies in Digital Pathology.
Delegates and industry representatives will contribute their knowledge, experience, problems, innovations, and trends in the fields of Digital Pathology and Breast Pathology. More than 70 international and regional speakers will take the stage, and our professionals will present new speeches. Live demonstrations, cutting-edge discussions, exciting lectures, interactive workshops on upcoming research
The Pathology Conference Program will stimulate debates and hopes to motivate members from a variety of backgrounds to begin networking and collaborating inside and beyond disciplines in order to enhance the science of pathology. 12THEPUCG2022 will be an excellent forum for exchanging the most recent findings from academia and industrial research.
The dates are December 21–24, 2022. Start working on your abstracts and posters, and tell your colleagues that this is going to be the best Pathologists conference ever!
As a tried-and-true technology, digital pathology is gradually gaining traction. With a focus on education, tissue-based research, pharmaceutical development, and global human pathology practise.
Visit our website for the upcoming pathology and digital pathology conference 2023 for more details.
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