14EPUCG2024 Conference Package

14EPUCG2024 Conference Package INTRODUCTION: We cordially invite you to the 14th Emirates Pathology, Digital Pathology & Cancer Conference, which will be place on December 17–19, 2024, on behalf of UCG. Venue: Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual. The theme of the Conference “Beyond Boundaries: Mapping the Future of Pathology and Digital Pathology”. It is an auspicious time to make contact, discuss and share problems, the experience of mutual interest with attendees from all over the world. UCG has worked hard, and we have an exciting program for 14th Emirates Pathology, Digital Pathology & Cancer Conference that will allow attendees to reflect upon & celebrate accomplishments, extend networks, and can explore both current & future research. We hope that this conference will be a productive, fun-filled time and memorable one. Attending conferences can offer numerous benefits, including networking opportunities, learning from experts in your field, staying u...