Submit your poster & E-poster now for Emirates Pathology and Digital Pathology UCGConferences,

Welcome to the abstract/final paper submission, We are pleased to announce the 12th Emirates Congress on Pathology and Digital Pathology (EPUCG), to be held as an in person event 04-06 th April 2023 in Dubai, UAE . Pathologists, computer scientists, biologists, Lab technicians, students, and, last but not least, physicians, as well as industry partners, will gather to discuss the current topics in digital and computational pathology. This year's focus will be on using machine learning and artificial intelligence to integrate histology, molecular pathology, and clinical data. While Digital Pathology will continue to be used to diagnose pathological changes in tissues in the future, new imaging techniques such as multiplex immunofluorescence and imaging mass spectrometry will gain traction in supplementing traditional approaches. Furthermore, emerging molecular approaches such as spatial transcriptomics or single-cell proteomics open up new possibilities for combining histology ...